Is Your Life, Career or Business Working for You on ALL levels?

My gift is to see you and your enterprise from all angles and 360 degrees, focusing on both the big picture and the smallest of details to ensure that your enterprise is both in alignment with you AND positioned to be successful.

I help you to KNOW that the limitations that you think are holding you back never really belonged to you. I help you release and transform these false beliefs (your pockets of pain) and chose what you want to create instead.

Would you like to align your enterprise and life so you can harmoniously and fully share your gifts with the world?

Release your pockets of pain and create the life you have always longed for?

Fully align with what you are here to do?

I can help you create magic with your enterprise.

My process involves asking questions to get the energy moving. I quickly identify the blocks keeping you from the enterprise, life, and results you’re trying to achieve. It is this dance between you, your enterprise, and myself which produces wonderful openings and ah-ha moments during our sessions. The strategies and plans show up with ease – a flow most soul-centered entrepreneurs both long for and can hardly believe actually exists.

It is a blend of what you bring and my ability to open you up to new possibilities and find solutions that align with you and your goals that creates the magic. I combine that with my natural aptitude and experience with business and strategy to generate possibilities. It is great fun for me to co-create with you and help you bring your enterprise into alignment more fully with who you are and share it with the world with more ease and fun.


I create by drawing out your deep yeses and help you fully align with what you are here to do. You are empowered to embody your truth, and see possibilities beyond the way everyone else does things. My clients often find they are more effective and successful when they don’t try to emulate others. I help you transform blocks and limitations into opportunities and empowerment.

I am a master strategist. I see the big picture and all the little details. I can feel where things will get stuck and help you create strategies that are highly successful. When we put the plan in place, I have a gift for bringing the energy of an idea into the physical realm and connecting people who will collaborate with each other to make their dreams come true. I have been called a pollinator.


Our ideals are achieved when we come together, each bringing our unique and valuable gifts to the world. When we are fully in alignment with our purpose, we can create magical change.

I believe the world is moving beyond the realm of acquisition and into the age of collaboration and enlightenment. Abundance is no longer simply measured in dollars, but in expansion, transformation, and connection. My gift is to create abundance in this world by helping people empower themselves to be in alignment and contribute from their best selves. I’ve put together a list of resources that have helped me and who are in the process of changing the world with their lives and their enterprises.