I love “Make it so.”
It’s not do it.
It’s not work at it.
It’s not push it.
It’s not follow these instructions that worked for someone else.

It’s bring this desired reality into existence.

Make it so expects things to happen.
Make it so doesn’t set the course, it doesn’t lay out the steps or manage the process.
Make it so sees a future it wants and empowers you to bring it about.

To me the definition of an enterprise is a business, venture, initiative, idea or desire to share your gifts with the world in your own unique way. It is synonymous with innovativeness, creativity, inventiveness, originality, get-up-and-go, readiness, boldness and a willingness to go where no one has gone before. To play and collaborate with each other and our creations (enterprises) and share in all the magic, abundance and expansion the universe has for us.

You know deeply what future you can create for yourself and the world.

Empower yourself.

Make it so.