Our ideals are achieved when we come together, each bringing our unique and valuable gifts to the world. When we are fully in alignment with our purpose, we can create magical change.

I believe the world is moving beyond the realm of acquisition and into the age of collaboration and enlightenment. Abundance is no longer simply measured in dollars, but in expansion, transformation, and connection. My gift is to create abundance in this world by helping people empower themselves to be in alignment and contribute from their best selves. To assist in this process, I’ve put together a list of people who have helped me and who are in the process of changing the world with their lives and their enterprises. I hope you enjoy exploring what they have to offer, and if they resonate with you, what they can contribute to your journey.



Zach Rehder – www.zachrehder.com

Karolyn McKinley – Alchemy of Living – alchemyofliving.com


Body Work & Healing:

John W. Davis – Energenesis Institute – www.energenesis.net

Martha Nicholson – marthanicholson.com


Enterprise Branding, Design & Web Development:

Cerries Mooney – www.cerriesmooney.com

Jason Henning – RedHenWebDesign – www.redhenwebdesign.com