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“The consulting work I’ve done with Kristine Kertson has been powerful and life-changing.

Kristine is as an ‘energetic carpenter’; she creates new doors of possibility with you right before your very eyes!

The sessions are exhilarating and literally enriching. After my last session with Kristine my income increased significantly thanks to a new client who showed up effortlessly!

Kristine’s “zoomed out” perspective helps me see more possibilities that are in alignment with my heart and soul than I can see on my own when it comes to things like business decisions and the relationship with my boyfriend.

If doubt and fear seem to be holding you back from taking inspired action toward the life of your dreams they don’t stand a chance of surviving in the presence of Kristine. Doubt and fear simply dissolve like the sugar in hot coffee when you look at them with her.

One of Kristine’s greatest gifts is her willingness to tell you what you need to hear – what’s truly in your best interest – not necessarily what you want to hear. And she does so with no judgment and loving directness.

This quote by Goethe reminds me of Kristine: “If you treat an individual as he is, he will remain how he is. But if you treat him as if he were what he ought to be and could be, he will become what he ought to be and could be.”

Kristine is deeply generous and 100% genuine with the services she offers. She is patient and at the same time very fast and efficient. The breadth and depth of just a single one-hour session is astounding. I love how she generates user-friendly, down-to-earth solutions coupled with cosmically-inspired possibilities!

The inevitable laughter that accompanies Kristine’s fun, quick-witted sense of humor magically re-frames and lightens up the things that have been heavy on your heart, mind and body.

I recommend Kristine’s consulting services wholeheartedly! Why not give yourself the gift of a session with her and see for yourself?”

~ Kim Estock, Colorado, USA
