Everyone has their own unique gifts. My magic just happens to be helping you manifest yours.

I have been called a Multidemensional Midwife Manifestor for people, their enterprises and the planet.

Soul-centered entrepreneurs like yourself bring me incipient ideas, imaginings, feelings, and dreams – things that resonate, but may currently seem like impossibilities.

Together we draw out your deep yeses and make them a reality.

My innate talent for harnessing the energy of ideas and anchoring them into the world with specific strategies for generating and manifesting these possibilities has helped my clients more than double their income and reach within six months of working together.

My own journey began traditionally with an Executive Masters of Public Administration as well as a Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences with a focus on Environmental and Social Issues and a Minor in Communication. I held executive management positions in the public (government), private and non-profit sectors, and I have been an integral part of creating and maintaining several multi-million dollar enterprises throughout my career.

I believe the planet and consciousness is evolving so the old ways of doing things won’t work much longer – you’ve probably already discovered this for yourself.

And they won’t work for anyone not aligned with the way it has been done, no matter how successful it has been for others.

I am your catalyst for action

Like you, I am here to help people and the planet awaken and evolve.

I ask you to stop listening to how things are supposed to be. I love helping people open up to possibilities that will help heal themselves and the planet by fully sharing their gifts with the world. The only thing that’s supposed to be is you, empowered to step into the truth of who you are.

My gift is to help you find your deep yeses. Shall we begin?